- import type { BufferInfo } from '../utils/buffer-helper';
- import { BufferHelper } from '../utils/buffer-helper';
- import { ErrorTypes, ErrorDetails } from '../errors';
- import { Events } from '../events';
- import { logger } from '../utils/logger';
- import type Hls from '../hls';
- import type { HlsConfig } from '../config';
- import type { FragmentTracker } from './fragment-tracker';
- import Fragment from '../loader/fragment';
- export const STALL_MINIMUM_DURATION_MS = 250;
- export const MAX_START_GAP_JUMP = 2.0;
- export const SKIP_BUFFER_HOLE_STEP_SECONDS = 0.1;
- export const SKIP_BUFFER_RANGE_START = 0.05;
- export default class GapController {
- private config: HlsConfig;
- private media: HTMLMediaElement;
- private fragmentTracker: FragmentTracker;
- private hls: Hls;
- private nudgeRetry: number = 0;
- private stallReported: boolean = false;
- private stalled: number | null = null;
- private moved: boolean = false;
- private seeking: boolean = false;
- constructor(config, media, fragmentTracker, hls) {
- this.config = config;
- = media;
- this.fragmentTracker = fragmentTracker;
- this.hls = hls;
- }
- /**
- * Checks if the playhead is stuck within a gap, and if so, attempts to free it.
- * A gap is an unbuffered range between two buffered ranges (or the start and the first buffered range).
- *
- * @param {number} lastCurrentTime Previously read playhead position
- */
- public poll(lastCurrentTime: number) {
- const { config, media, stalled } = this;
- const { currentTime, seeking } = media;
- const seeked = this.seeking && !seeking;
- const beginSeek = !this.seeking && seeking;
- this.seeking = seeking;
- // The playhead is moving, no-op
- if (currentTime !== lastCurrentTime) {
- this.moved = true;
- if (stalled !== null) {
- // The playhead is now moving, but was previously stalled
- if (this.stallReported) {
- const stalledDuration = - stalled;
- logger.warn(
- `playback not stuck anymore @${currentTime}, after ${Math.round(
- stalledDuration
- )}ms`
- );
- this.stallReported = false;
- }
- this.stalled = null;
- this.nudgeRetry = 0;
- }
- return;
- }
- // Clear stalled state when beginning or finishing seeking so that we don't report stalls coming out of a seek
- if (beginSeek || seeked) {
- this.stalled = null;
- }
- // The playhead should not be moving
- if (
- media.paused ||
- media.ended ||
- media.playbackRate === 0 ||
- !BufferHelper.getBuffered(media).length
- ) {
- return;
- }
- const bufferInfo = BufferHelper.bufferInfo(media, currentTime, 0);
- const isBuffered = bufferInfo.len > 0;
- const nextStart = bufferInfo.nextStart || 0;
- // There is no playable buffer (seeked, waiting for buffer)
- if (!isBuffered && !nextStart) {
- return;
- }
- if (seeking) {
- // Waiting for seeking in a buffered range to complete
- const hasEnoughBuffer = bufferInfo.len > MAX_START_GAP_JUMP;
- // Next buffered range is too far ahead to jump to while still seeking
- const noBufferGap =
- !nextStart ||
- (nextStart - currentTime > MAX_START_GAP_JUMP &&
- !this.fragmentTracker.getPartialFragment(currentTime));
- if (hasEnoughBuffer || noBufferGap) {
- return;
- }
- // Reset moved state when seeking to a point in or before a gap
- this.moved = false;
- }
- // Skip start gaps if we haven't played, but the last poll detected the start of a stall
- // The addition poll gives the browser a chance to jump the gap for us
- if (!this.moved && this.stalled !== null) {
- // Jump start gaps within jump threshold
- const startJump =
- Math.max(nextStart, bufferInfo.start || 0) - currentTime;
- // When joining a live stream with audio tracks, account for live playlist window sliding by allowing
- // a larger jump over start gaps caused by the audio-stream-controller buffering a start fragment
- // that begins over 1 target duration after the video start position.
- const level = this.hls.levels
- ? this.hls.levels[this.hls.currentLevel]
- : null;
- const isLive = level?.details?.live;
- const maxStartGapJump = isLive
- ? level!.details!.targetduration * 2
- if (startJump > 0 && startJump <= maxStartGapJump) {
- this._trySkipBufferHole(null);
- return;
- }
- }
- // Start tracking stall time
- const tnow =;
- if (stalled === null) {
- this.stalled = tnow;
- return;
- }
- const stalledDuration = tnow - stalled;
- if (!seeking && stalledDuration >= STALL_MINIMUM_DURATION_MS) {
- // Report stalling after trying to fix
- this._reportStall(bufferInfo.len);
- }
- const bufferedWithHoles = BufferHelper.bufferInfo(
- media,
- currentTime,
- config.maxBufferHole
- );
- this._tryFixBufferStall(bufferedWithHoles, stalledDuration);
- }
- /**
- * Detects and attempts to fix known buffer stalling issues.
- * @param bufferInfo - The properties of the current buffer.
- * @param stalledDurationMs - The amount of time Hls.js has been stalling for.
- * @private
- */
- private _tryFixBufferStall(
- bufferInfo: BufferInfo,
- stalledDurationMs: number
- ) {
- const { config, fragmentTracker, media } = this;
- const currentTime = media.currentTime;
- const partial = fragmentTracker.getPartialFragment(currentTime);
- if (partial) {
- // Try to skip over the buffer hole caused by a partial fragment
- // This method isn't limited by the size of the gap between buffered ranges
- const targetTime = this._trySkipBufferHole(partial);
- // we return here in this case, meaning
- // the branch below only executes when we don't handle a partial fragment
- if (targetTime) {
- return;
- }
- }
- // if we haven't had to skip over a buffer hole of a partial fragment
- // we may just have to "nudge" the playlist as the browser decoding/rendering engine
- // needs to cross some sort of threshold covering all source-buffers content
- // to start playing properly.
- if (
- bufferInfo.len > config.maxBufferHole &&
- stalledDurationMs > config.highBufferWatchdogPeriod * 1000
- ) {
- logger.warn('Trying to nudge playhead over buffer-hole');
- // Try to nudge currentTime over a buffer hole if we've been stalling for the configured amount of seconds
- // We only try to jump the hole if it's under the configured size
- // Reset stalled so to rearm watchdog timer
- this.stalled = null;
- this._tryNudgeBuffer();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Triggers a BUFFER_STALLED_ERROR event, but only once per stall period.
- * @param bufferLen - The playhead distance from the end of the current buffer segment.
- * @private
- */
- private _reportStall(bufferLen) {
- const { hls, media, stallReported } = this;
- if (!stallReported) {
- // Report stalled error once
- this.stallReported = true;
- logger.warn(
- `Playback stalling at @${media.currentTime} due to low buffer (buffer=${bufferLen})`
- );
- hls.trigger(Events.ERROR, {
- type: ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR,
- details: ErrorDetails.BUFFER_STALLED_ERROR,
- fatal: false,
- buffer: bufferLen,
- });
- }
- }
- /**
- * Attempts to fix buffer stalls by jumping over known gaps caused by partial fragments
- * @param partial - The partial fragment found at the current time (where playback is stalling).
- * @private
- */
- private _trySkipBufferHole(partial: Fragment | null): number {
- const { config, hls, media } = this;
- const currentTime = media.currentTime;
- let lastEndTime = 0;
- // Check if currentTime is between unbuffered regions of partial fragments
- const buffered = BufferHelper.getBuffered(media);
- for (let i = 0; i < buffered.length; i++) {
- const startTime = buffered.start(i);
- if (
- currentTime + config.maxBufferHole >= lastEndTime &&
- currentTime < startTime
- ) {
- const targetTime = Math.max(
- );
- logger.warn(
- `skipping hole, adjusting currentTime from ${currentTime} to ${targetTime}`
- );
- this.moved = true;
- this.stalled = null;
- media.currentTime = targetTime;
- if (partial) {
- hls.trigger(Events.ERROR, {
- type: ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR,
- details: ErrorDetails.BUFFER_SEEK_OVER_HOLE,
- fatal: false,
- reason: `fragment loaded with buffer holes, seeking from ${currentTime} to ${targetTime}`,
- frag: partial,
- });
- }
- return targetTime;
- }
- lastEndTime = buffered.end(i);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Attempts to fix buffer stalls by advancing the mediaElement's current time by a small amount.
- * @private
- */
- private _tryNudgeBuffer() {
- const { config, hls, media } = this;
- const currentTime = media.currentTime;
- const nudgeRetry = (this.nudgeRetry || 0) + 1;
- this.nudgeRetry = nudgeRetry;
- if (nudgeRetry < config.nudgeMaxRetry) {
- const targetTime = currentTime + nudgeRetry * config.nudgeOffset;
- // playback stalled in buffered area ... let's nudge currentTime to try to overcome this
- logger.warn(`Nudging 'currentTime' from ${currentTime} to ${targetTime}`);
- media.currentTime = targetTime;
- hls.trigger(Events.ERROR, {
- type: ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR,
- details: ErrorDetails.BUFFER_NUDGE_ON_STALL,
- fatal: false,
- });
- } else {
- logger.error(
- `Playhead still not moving while enough data buffered @${currentTime} after ${config.nudgeMaxRetry} nudges`
- );
- hls.trigger(Events.ERROR, {
- type: ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR,
- details: ErrorDetails.BUFFER_STALLED_ERROR,
- fatal: true,
- });
- }
- }
- }